Saturday, August 31, 2019

saving from 2017 can rework any of them

Simone the  beautiful Siamese Princess 
Is considered to be to the protector 
Of the beautiful desert rose  
She goes daily to give it water 

Her father is king of a mighty kingdom 


 cat ****cat 
why'd you do that? 

Oh my goodness! 
you've made such a mess. 

I see paw prints on my slacks 
an white hairs show up on black. 

What made you think to sleep here. 
among all my clothes and the hangers. 
now you have to find out how to get free 
Without any kind of help from me. 


So many songs hold memories  
As a child it was nursery rhymes 
My father would sing to me. 
When i needed comfort he'd make time. 

Especially during or after my worst seizures 
He'd come and try to protect me. 
We had our own business so he was always near 
He'd turn on our favorite music. 

He'd sing Put Your Head on My Shoulder 
Sometimes it was You Are My Sunshine. 
He'd stay the singing while I'd recover. 
I always made sure he knew when I was fine. 

When he had a heart attack and other issues 
I'd sing songs to him like he did for me 
My favorite song I sing is I'll stand by you. 
I wanted to him to feel a lot better and be happy. 

Now when I hear certain song from back then 
Especially the songs from 60's or the 70's 
It brings those good times back to me again. 
Sometimes I want to cry others make me happy. 

I miss my parents more than I could ever say 
Our love and relationship was undeniable 
when I hear our songs my memories replay 
Those times are special and unforgettable 


Sometimes life can knock me down. 
I often feel the weight of things upon me. 
It sometimes seems as if I'll eventually drown. 
People don't understand what they see. 

My life has been suffering since I was born 
The doctor broke my skull during delivery. 
So I deal with  


The hunter's  conquests 

Inside his trophy room. 
It's not what you'd expect to find. 
I'd say it's a place of gloom. 
Not trophies of the normal kind. 

On each wall there animal heads 
Things that once roamed the land 
But now hang mounted here instead. 
Something I'll never really understand. 

In the corner stands a raccoon 
 it's muscles and bones no longer there 
Taken from this world too soon 
By a taxidermist that really doesn't care. 

The owl suspended in mid flight 
Will never be seen in the sky 
Of the cool moon lit night. 
All for entertainment it had to die 

Then the marlin taken from the sea 
Is hung to be seen in plain view 
Why couldn't it remain wild and free. 
Instead of becoming a conquest for you 

How someone can be so cold and cruel. 
And so many exotic places. 
They're not  



Life can bring one down with the weight 
Of troubles that seem to be endless. 
We often worry about the what if's and hesitate  
By focusing on the pain and darkness 

We lose sight of our true directions to go 
We begin to doubt our own abilities 
and believing a lie because someone else said so 


My Khaluaccino 

I'm not much into alcohol 
But every now and then 
I'll have a Kahlua with chocolate 
It's sweet and yummy with just a splash 
Then I mix with milk and ice cream 
Every easy to make put it all 
In the blender mixing it  well 
Till smooth a creamy, 
Pour it into a frozen glass 
Topping it with whipped cream 
Then sit back and enjoy.  
I call in Kahluaccino 


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