Saturday, November 18, 2017

my day in hell (so it felt )

my day in hell (so it felt )

Today I felt like I was in a WASTELAND 
Waiting three hours in my hot car.
I was WEARY from the constant heat
as the sun shined with fervent rays
I had the windows down as far 
as they would go.
Sweat dripped to my feet.
The heat seemed to PREY  on me
Like EVIL on  BRILLIANT souls.
I heard the CAW of the bird over my head.
It filled my CRAW with the thought,
I wonder if he thinks I'm dead.

I felt dehydrated sitting there
I wondered if I used a BLADE
would any BLOOD begin to flow
I wished I had some lemonade.

My hair WITHERED like a ROSE on my skin
with EMBERS of hope from the breeze
of my flimsy TATTERED paper fan. 
I made a CREED this too shall pass.
All things come to an end.
But the heat was pulling me into an ABYSS
With VICIOUS and VENOMOUS  words
I vowed to DEMOLISH his ass,
For leaving me there too long.
My AMBER hair felt like mush.

The DEMON could have been dancing with joy
with me in this predicament.
No BRIDGE or trees for shade.
But today would not end in CATASTROPHE.

will you be here too

will you be here too

For you.

We spent so much time having fun in life.
having struggled some and loved deeply.
Then one day I was gone and no longer your wife
there on earth. 
I'm seeing a sinless perfection in front of me.

It's not too late for you to change your ways.
When you chose to turn your back on the light.
Instead, the temptations caused you to stray.
But Jesus says you can still make it right.

Won't you see the errors in your direction?
Remembering how your faith was once solid and strong
notice your mistakes now and make corrections
So you can join the place here where you belong.

I'm here waiting for you and hope you will be here with me

                                  your loving wife

Saturday, October 14, 2017

halloween poems 2017

a normal Halloween for us

Raising my kids was quite interesting.
Especially around the holidays.
What would come out of them was hard to tell.
Though with the dentist I was investing
To be sure their teeth wouldn't decay.

When it came time for tricks or treats
Costumes were made by my mom.
She'd go by what the popular cartoons were.
They always thought theirs were neat.
And really excited to try them on.

Then came the walk to the neighbors
They had to stop by all their friends.
Going in groups for their own safety
Saying their costumes weren't from stores.
And totally exhausted by the end.

Back home though we went through the candy.
Sorting it for the flavor and which to keep.
Of course, daddy would plunder the best.
They never minded sharing it with mommy.
But he never took the kind that was cheap.

After the initials sugar rush was gone
We then sorted the rest to keep as treats
The kids agreed so they could keep their teeth.
We all eventually forgot it as time went on.
The new Halloween revealed the remaining sweets. 

I wrote this for a contest but didn't add it. © 4 days ago, Bonnie J Hollywood-Cutts   

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Escaping captivity

Escaping captivity

Butterflies go fly free
You've shed you chrysalis
Leave the life in the glass
Take flight over land and sea

Your beauty is captivating
Wings so beautiful and bright 
Some transparent in the light
The world is yours for the taking

There are flowers with nectar
And fields to fly across
Filled with lush grass and moss
To give you a place of shelter.

Your time is now fleeting 
But there is so much to see
So many places to be
Along the journey, you're completing

Her son's Wallet

Her son's Wallet

Dear son,

Things are so quiet here without you.
Dad sits quietly in his favorite chair
waiting for the day your duty is through.
He framed the picture of you with long hair

The one he said you looked like a reject
From the long forgotten years. He did the same
But he would never admit what you'd suspect.
He put it next to your trophy of the winning game.

Your brother misses you more every day.
He has taken to wearing your favorite cap.
He says he'll wear it till you're here to stay.
He even sneaks into your room to take a nap.

Your fiancée Lisa sent this picture
Of the two of you from your first date
She is hoping you'll come back and marry her.
How much longer will she have to wait?

I keep and read every letter you send me.
I long for the day I can give you a warm embrace.
That you won't be going back to the army.
When you can bring joy back to our place.

Please come home to us safely.
You know how much I worry
We miss you so deeply.

                        love always,
I'm also enclosing a picture of the family as well as one Lisa gave me.

Watching you

Watching you

I'm sitting there watching 
you passed out on the floor.
Because of your binge drinking.
It's happening more than before.

I go the get an extra sheet
To cover your naked frame
Everything but your head and feet.
Again jealousy is to blame.

I worry about you when you drink
When mom worked at that bar
You're worried what other men think.
But you shouldn't even drive a car.

Right now I'm just a little kid
Trying to learn right from wrong
But I can see the wrong in what you did.
If you keep it up you won't live long.

I want you to be here with us
I love you more than you’d ever know
But you come in late and yell and cuss.
While your anger and reactions grow.

You really tried countless times
To quit smoking To make me happy
As to me I considered it a crime
Because the smoke really bothers me.

Later as the years passed by.
You had some heart attack
I thought you were going to die.
And I'd never have my daddy back.

You opened up Hollywood Palms.
Then mom could work with you.
You're drinking stopped you were calm.
Your days or working were through.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Hidden among the dunes.

Hidden among the dunes.

In the middle of the desert land
There is a secret on the hot sand
Between the big sand dunes
Where winds plays haunting tunes
There is place that is lush green 
A beautiful blue lagoon can be seen.

The land around it is barren and dry
But cool lagoon water refreshes the eye
There I can sit in the shade of a tree
And count the variety of life that I see.
There are rodents, meerkats, and lizards
their warning sounds can be heard

A world away from the busy rat race
Is the oasis where life is a slow pace
There are no subway trains or cell phone
Just a place to unwind and be alone.
I'm not worried if no one believes me
It is somewhere I really want to be

we are no more

we are no more

Watching you walk away
Leaving me standing alone
I reflect back to yesterday.
You said you want to be on your own

We were once inseparable
Like two peas in a pod, we were
Our love was once undeniable
But you threw it away to be with her.

Once we'd walk in the moonlight
Watching it shine on the sea.
While illuminating our night.
Now it's your silhouette that I see.

Your love is now dark and cold 
What was once warm and nice
It was both strong and bold
But it came with the ultimate price.

Loving you was all I wanted to do
Giving you all I have in me
But my heart is broken in two
I'm no longer who I used to be.


  I'm NOT dead yet.

I'm in here not by my own choice.
You chose to go and have some fun.
It was just a brief encounter for you.
I do not yet have my own voice.
But I'm growing because of what you've done.
You should think about what you do.

I'm alive, is that something you realize.
Am I someone you'd like to know.
Are you looking forward to holding me?
Can you imagine hearing my cries?
Or will I die so you won't begin to show?
I hope I could make you happy.

But I hear him yelling and he is mean.
Why doesn't he understand I'm real?
I'm already beginning to grow.
Then soon you won't fit into your jeans.
And my movements you'll soon feel.
Are you someone I'd really want to know?

I hope you won't do something you'd regret.
Don't let him decide what you will do.
Will you choose your own direction to go?
I love you even though we've never met.
I'm sure you'd love me if I met you.

I believe all life is precious. and meant to be for a reason. it's one thing to have a miscarriage and another thing to deliberately choose to kill your own child, just because you don't want them or think they're a mistake.
Carry it full term then give them a chance with someone else. that can't have their own. They'd love those little ones more than the ones that would choose to wipe them away.
© , Bonnie J Hollywood-Cutts   
July 23,2917