Friday, August 3, 2018

altered state of mind

altered state of mind

take a puff
A puff from the hookah pipe
Gives a trip of a different type.

while you're on the ground
your thoughts are floating around

From <

the poem above won silver. but my thought was stunted with the few words I could write. so I expanded that thought in this one below

Continuing the thought

taking a trip outside this world

Inhaling deep from the hookah pipe
Takes the mind to a different plane
People go crazy with all that hype
For with this thing you feel no pain

Though the body is heavy in weight
Your mind feels lighter and lucid
The troubles of the world quickly dissipate 
Breaking free as if they were fluid

The world thinks this thing is bad
That nothing good comes from its use
Those tightwads think it's a fad
Something we outgrow, if we choose

In the mysterious Wonderland, Alice found out.
it's opposite. down became up and up became down
Loud became quiet, a whisper became a shout.
A perplexing endless trip in the crazy hidden town.