I'm sitting there watching
you passed out on the floor.
Because of your binge drinking.
It's happening more than before.
I go the get an extra sheet
To cover your naked frame
Everything but your head and feet.
Again jealousy is to blame.
I worry about you when you drink
When mom worked at that bar
You're worried what other men think.
But you shouldn't even drive a car.
Right now I'm just a little kid
Trying to learn right from wrong
But I can see the wrong in what you did.
If you keep it up you won't live long.
I want you to be here with us
I love you more than you’d ever know
But you come in late and yell and cuss.
While your anger and reactions grow.
You really tried countless times
To quit smoking To make me happy
As to me I considered it a crime
Because the smoke really bothers me.
Later as the years passed by.
You had some heart attack
I thought you were going to die.
And I'd never have my daddy back.
You opened up Hollywood Palms.
Then mom could work with you.
You're drinking stopped you were calm.
Your days or working were through.
The picture is my parents back in 1985 . Their 25th wedding anniversary.
My dad was a raging alcoholic when I was little girl. Jealousy was a green eyed demon. he was over protective of both me and my mother. When had his first heart attack he had to quit working. Which meant my mom had to support us. It made him feel lousy and weak to know he couldn't provide for us. When she went to work he'd sit in the corner in the dark while she worked. drinking of course. Which meant my mom would drive home. He'd be in such a rage sometimes I'd wake up to the furniture being busted.Then I woke up in the mornings I'd find him sleeping naked on the living room floor,
I was his protector and he was mine. So I'd cover him up.with a sheet and pretend it never happened when he'd wake up. He kind of knew it was me that would cover him up. As he's get up in the middle of the night after my mom was asleep. my sister was always running away so she was never there and didn't really care. once he was strong enough to work again He became his own boss. then things got a lot better. and his drinking was only at big galas or holidays,
© an hour ago, Bonnie J Hollywood-Cutts